Kyleah Conveyancing…
Supporting you with all your conveyancing needs, as well as assisting you with planning matters relating to the development of a property, such as building a new house or shed on land you own or are considering purchasing.
Based in Gippsland, we offer professional conveyancing across Victoria.
What is Conveyancing?
In simple terms, conveyancing is the process of transferring (or ‘conveying’) ownership or control of Real Property (land or buildings) from one party to another. The process of conveyancing can be quite complex, and it is important that the matter is handled by an experienced practitioner to ensure that all parties and stakeholder interests are dealt with legally and in accordance with the directives of the Contract.
The Sale and Transfer of land or property pursuant to a Contract of Sale falls under the area that must be completed by a Licensed Conveyancer or Legal Practitioner. Sale or Transfer of businesses and Transfer of Leases can also be dealt with by a Licenced Conveyancer, however not all Licensed Conveyancers hold the level of qualification to undertake this process. Kyleah Conveyancing is fully qualified and indemnified to undertake all areas of conveyancing work.
Our Services.
We provide both Conveyancing and Planning Consultation services throughout Victoria.
Residential Purchases and Sales, whether developed with a dwelling or vacant land.
Agricultural Licences and transfers.
Family and business succession matters.
Off the plan purchases.
First Home buyers and Investors.
Commercial properties including going concerns.
Subdivisions and consolidations including ‘not in common ownership’ matters.
Transfer of land between related parties.
Change in the manner of holding.
Deceased Estates.
Lodgement of Plans of Subdivision.
Replacement of lost Titles.
Agricultural properties and small holdings.
Our staff will assist in the completion of your matter by:
(For Sales) - Preparing Vendors Statements (Section 32) and Contracts of Sale, whether you have engaged an Agent or are selling under Private Treaty, and we can draft any Special Conditions that may be required specifically for your matter;
(For Purchases) - Review and provide an assessment report on S.32 and Contract of Sale prior to signing to ensure you are fully aware of all areas or Special Conditions contained within the Contract that may affect you or your intended use of the property;
Provide an estimate of Stamp Duty applicable at settlement, and assist you to obtain all Stamp Duty exemptions you may be eligible for, or by applying for Stamp Duty refunds following settlement;
Engage and liaise with all stakeholders associated with your matter in a professional manner to ensure full and proper exchange of all documentation and information;
Prepare all documentation required by your financier regarding First Home Owner Grants;
Provide advice regarding Stewart Title insurance;
and any other requirements to ensure your transaction is successfully concluded.
We liaise with all stakeholders to ensure a smooth transaction including:
Banks & Financial Institutions
Real Estate Agents
Council Planning Departments
Planning Consultation:
Manage planning applications from start to finish.
VicSmart applications;
Preliminary feasibility assessment with regard to zone overlays and encumbrances affecting the subject land.
If you believe you may need to obtain Planning Permission to be able to utilise a property you are interested in purchasing, Kyleah Conveyancing can negotiate on your behalf to include Special Conditions in the Contract to meet your specific requirements, or advise on the implications and risks that your situation raises.
Are you interested in developing land you currently own? We can submit planning applications, liaise and negotiate with the council on your behalf. We can work with you and provide contacts to relevant professionals to meet your requirements and help you realise your vision.
Industry Registration and Compliance.
Our firm is registered and licenced under the current conveyancing legislation.
Kyleah Conveyancing will always act in the client’s best interest and in accordance with industry best practice. Our firm holds professional Indemnity Insurance for $2,000,000.00
You can check our license with Consumer Affairs Victoria and see that we are registered with the Australian Institute of Conveyancers, the Industry body for licenced conveyancers.
Helpful Links.
Our office will provide an estimate of the Land Transfer (Stamp) Duty that will be applicable to your purchase, however you can utilise this button to obtain an estimate yourself.
The Victorian State Government has a website called VicPlan where you can look up property addresses, create property reports, obtain planning information and much more. Click the button below to investigate details on potential properties you are interested in.
Verification of Identity
In accordance with the ARNECC (Australian Registrars National Electronic Conveyancing Council) Model Participation Rules, our firm must obtain, and retain on file, verification of the identity of all parties that we represent in conveyancing matters.
This is not only a legal best practice but it’s a requirement that safe guards you and your sale.
Please follow the link below for full details of the requirements for using the Aus Post ID service.
Verification of your identity can be completed at any Australia Post office.
Privacy and security of personal information.
Kyleah Conveyancing takes the privacy of our client’s information and the security of any information taken throughout the course of a matter and held in accordance with The Privacy Act 1988 and the Conveyancers (Professional Conduct) Regulations 2018 very seriously.
Only that information specifically required as part of the contractual obligations for the matter will be passed to another interested party, and your information will never be sold or divulged to an outside third party.
Our website complies with Australian Law and you can review our Privacy Policy to understand how seriously we are committed we are to protecting your privacy.
To reduce the risk of cyber fraud or scams, we have a Digital Payments Policy.
(Property Exchange Australia)
Kyleah Conveyancing are members of PEXA, Australia’s online property exchange network that assists lawyers, conveyancers and financial institutions to lodge documents with Land Registries and complete financial settlements electronically.
PEXA was formed in 2010 and delivers a single, national e-Conveyancing solution to the Australian property industry.
Advantages of digital property settlements.
Your buying or selling journey starts online – with website searches, mortgage calculators and other online tools. At Kyleah Conveyancing we recognised the innovation of digital settlements and saw the benefits to our clients.
Until recently, the conveyancing process was mostly completed offline. Paperwork and postage increased the risk of errors and delays.
In fact, a study showed that 20% of settlements were delayed a median of seven days and 25% of these customers suffered financially.
These findings are captured in a specially commissioned, PwC Digital Property Report.
Digital property settlements help streamline the process for buying and selling property.
Title Insurance.
We offer Title Insurance from Stewart Title Insurance, Australia. Want to learn more about what title insurance covers? Their new video series demonstrates real-life claims scenarios resolved by their Claims Team and illustrates the value of obtaining a title insurance policy.
Contactless Services
In this modern and busy world, we realise your time is precious.
The vast majority of our services can be fully handled utilising various electronic means including e-mail, mobile phones and DocuSign, to facilitate more rapid turn-around of documentation and less down-time for our clients by not needing to attend an office. For those matters that need face to face contact, our staff are available and happy to meet as required.
We pride ourselves on engaging and embracing the rapidly changing environment that Conveyancing has been presented with in recent years. With the formation of PEXA (Property Exchange Australia) and the move towards e-Conveyancing, we are excited to offer our clients a service that is fast, flexible and able to be tailored to best suit their needs.